Monday, February 24, 2014

C is for Cookie

With ice cream around the corner, can cookie be far behind? 

Here are some scrumptious cookies for your child's tea party. Indulge in them as much as you want for they are completely sugar-free ;)!

Ice cream, anyone?!

I discovered felt last year while I was making hair bows for my daughter. Although many swear by the wool felt, I am quite content with the craft felt for my projects. I quickly realized that there are two kinds of craft felt - the eco-felt and the "craft" felt (for lack of  a better term). I believe they both are acrylic, but I prefer the eco-felt as it is thicker and sturdier than the latter. Walmart (yes!) and Michaels carry this kind.

The possibilities of things you can create are endless.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Celebrating my boy!

Here are the clothes I sewed for Heart last year. I used the pattern I'd drafted earlier. I increased its length to make the pants. The sleeveless top for 'I Love USA' set was drafted from one of Heart's old t-shirts.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fleece Plushies

Wow, I haven't updated this blog in a long time!  Last year I'd sewn at least a dozen clothes for Sweet and half more for Heart. I will post a collage of those projects soon!

Sewing clothes for my kids has taken the back seat because of this brutally cold winter. I am shivering at the thought of having to endure this for many more weeks!! Brrr..

But one good thing (make it two) did come out of this - I have stepped into the world of fleece and felt! And I am loving them both!  I stocked up on the fleece at our local fabric store ($2.49 per yard!!) and brought home all possible colors!!