Sunday, April 26, 2015

Kid's Clothes Week: April 2015 - Day 7

Yay! It is the last day of KCW. I am quite proud that I managed to complete this challenge successfully this year :). Though it was a bit stressful, I am happy that Sweet now has new clothes that she can wear in the coming weeks (when the weather turns around, sigh!).

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Kid's Clothes Week: April 2015 - Day 6

So I think I made up for my yesterday's missing post with two today :)..

This is fresh off the sewing machine. I am addicted to sewing!! If I had a day off and the kids were not around, I'll be in my little space sewing away to glory (or backache..he he)!  I love to transform fabric into something more useful (usually clothes).

Anyway being an early bird, I sewed this up this morning and made Sweet try it on after breakfast.

Kid's Clothes Week: April 2015 - Day 5 (Yesterday)

This outfit was from yesterday. It was such a busy day as Heart's school was closed and both kids were at home. We had a fun trip to the Zoo and came home really tired! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Frozen Banner (without Disney princesses)!

This FROZEN party is for everyone! Great decoration for indoor and outdoor parties especially during spring/summer days!

This is a DIY project.

Kid's Clothes Week: April 2015 - Day 3

KCW - day 3! It seems tunic tops are my current favorites. They do take less yardage than a dress and are quicker to sew (without the skirt-gathering part) :). You can pair them up with pants or shorts! If you've read my previous posts you'd know that I am all for quick and easy projects.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Kid's Clothes Week: April 2015 - Day 2

I am so happy that I have completed my second project for KCW Spring 2015!

I knew I wouldn't have much time today. So  I traced around his RTW shorts and cut the pieces last night. The step-by-step instructions can be found in this post. I started sewing at 5 AM this morning.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Kid's Clothes Week: April 2015 - Day 1

Yay! I am all set to participate in KCW this year. I had planned on doing this last summer but couldn't because of an overseas trip.